
Still reflecting on the holidays ...

Ok, so I can be a bit slow to get through things this time of year ... blog entries, gift giving, thank-you-note writing, and ... decorating? I didn't get any holiday decorations out this year (that isn't saying much, though, as all that I have fit nicely in a storage chest). But when JNK and I made the obligatory trip to 'off-site' storage (yes, different than the 2 on-site storage units we have) to dig out the Paella cookbook for the Dinner Party, I found my Christmas stash and couldn't help but pull out my favorite Christmas decoration - this great candle. The embossing on the side says:
"Give me something useful like Contentment and wrap it in the comforting Embrace of Family and tie it with a bow woven by Friendship"
Perfect. I've enjoyed burning it ever since - long after most have packed away their holiday cheer. As an aside, I've been enjoying a lot of Mojave 3 lately ... especially the album 'Ask Me Tomorrow'. One of the tracks, 'Candle Song', reminds me of my own Christmas Candle.

I have to give a shout out to my awesome little sis Carrie for her 'gifts that keep on giving' ... my ploy to get her addicted to Starbucks has not only worked, its paying off in spades now that she is a store manager in snowy Erie, PA ... where I have a hunch they sell loads of hot coffee and hot chocolate! This cycling jersey was an fantastic Christmas gift (I love green!) and she recently sent this burr grinder - which, of course, every self-respecting coffee connaisseur uses to grind their beans - and a 1/2 pound of the Starbucks Regalo organic espresso beans. As a long-time fan of Illy, JNK and I were quite impressed with this new bean! I must admit, though, that I'll still resort to the convenience of the Illy pods on weekday mornings when I'm stumbling out of bed and need that quick shot. Yum!

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