
Happy Halloween ...bambini! ...& Happy Birthday

Halloween is a very strange day for me ... its specifically associated with trick-or-treat night when I was 5 years old (dressed as Strawberry Shortcake, who else?) and being hit by a car. It was absolutely my fault. I must have thought that the 'look-both-ways-before-crossing-the-street' rule didn't apply to holidays, and I was no more patient then than I am now. The driver also didn't get the rule-change memo and Strawberry Shortcake landed in the hospital for a couple of weeks with a broken femur in traction and and a couple of months in a not-so-hot-when-you're-5 body cast. The cool part? My dad made this sweet body-sized skateboard for me surf around the house (... perhaps when he reads this he'll scan and email a photo I can post ... hint-hint). Dad - I'm really sorry you had to watch it all happen. I've since been known by some folks in my hometown as the-girl-who-was-hit-by-the-car-on-Halloween-night ... not exactly the 15-minutes of fame we all aspire for. But Halloween does remind me of how lucky I was - and am. We also like to joke in my family that it takes me being run over by a car to break a bone, despite all of the falls, crashes and collisions I've endured in various sports ... knock on wood, this has certainly been the case. So keep an eye out for those over-zealous trick-or-treaters if you're out tonight ...

Wow - my family and friends are certainly doing their part to ensure our society's positive population growth ... congratulations and welcome to:

Julie & Brett's 'Benjamin' (8/22)
Danielle & John's 'Matthew Brooks' (9/23)
Bill & Haley's 'Chloe Elizabeth' (9/27)
Josh & Gretchen's 'Jack Killian' (10/18)
Todd & Christie's 'Madison Lynn' (10/21)
Nate & Christa's 'Alexander Robert' (10/23)

Can't wait to meet all the new little people! And there's no doubt that Carol K's 'Letter Perfect' business will be in high gear supplying all the great enbroidered Turtle Fur fleece blankets for all - my very favorite baby gift to give.

A big Happy Birthday to my little sis Andrea - hope you have a good one!
& Happy Anniversary to Christie & Todd - you guys are awesome - miss and love you very much!!



Jeri said...

You are the only one I know with a worse Halloween memory than me! Thanks for making me feel better about a ridiculous holiday!
(check the blog! for a good laugh)

Gail said...

Dad says he doesn't remember you EVER admitting that any mishap was your fault! :)