
The clock is ticking ...

40 degrees. That is the race-start temperature. (Let me just take this opportunity to mention that when considering my move to NC, I weighed heavily the fact that the SE is noticibly warmer than the midwest ... as such, I certainly hope that my expectations are not found to be misfounded by temperatures much colder than this throughout the winter. But enough about me.) The morning started early with rich espressos and a pot of stick-to-your-ribs steel-cut oats doctored-up with brown sugar, peanut butter and walnuts. I packed up the race waterbottles and food -- which included JNK's preference of what he terms 'the belgian powerbar', or ham sandwich. I am not kidding. So I made these little 3-4 bite sandwiches with imported proscutto (pretty fancy for a bike race, I know - but its the only ham that was already in the fridge) on wheat pita. They're packaged nicely for the musette (a cycling feed bag) handup which will also include a plain waterbottle, and energy drink and a GU. We'll see when and if JNK accepts any of the goodies.

The race was started Lemans-style (the bikes were staged in a neutral location and the riders ran from the start to find and mount their bikes) ... truely mayhem, see photo. Also - check out JNK's spiffy new bike - he's finally upgraded from the 14-yr-old fully-rigid Klein.

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